Last updated: 2024-03-12

Shamir's Keystore


This JCA provider presently implements Shamir's Secret Sharing using Newton Polynomials. Building on this, a KeyStore Engine as defined by the Java Cryptographic Architecture is provided. Such a keystore instance might be unlocked - apart from the master password - by certain subsets of previously computed secret shares. In order to be able to reconstruct the master password a specific number of secret shares equal to (or above) a given threshold must be combined. Shamirs scheme is information-theoretically secure. This means that an attacker does not get any additional information about the original master password with fewer shares as defined by the given threshold. In this way, it is possible to enforce e.g. the four-eye-principle. The provided keystore implementation is PKCS12 compliant and internally relies on the implementation provided by the Java platform.


1. Build

Clone the project (or download and unpack the zip):

$ git clone
$ cd shamirs-keystore

Maven and a JDK11+ is required for the build of the multi-module project:

$ mvn clean install

Above command will compile the sources, run the tests and install the provider into the local Maven repo.

Note that the included demo app makes use of the pkix sub-module from the Bouncy Castle crypto library for programmatically generating self-signed X.509 certificates which is something that cannot be easily done with the JDK alone. The library itself depends on the Scala-Library (since the core module containing the actual algorithm is presently written in Scala) and on Jakarta JSON Processing. The latter is merely the specification of an API and hence you additionally need an implementation for that at runtime, e.g. Eclipse Parsson, if you want to use the JCA provider in your applications. See section 6.2 Maven Coordinates for further details.

The project uses JUnit 5 together with AssertJ or rather ScalaTest for unit testing.


2. Source Control

The source code is hosted in GitHub: gplv3


3. The Algorithm

Consider the polynomial

Pk-1(x) = ak-1xk-1 + ... + a2x2 + a1x + a0

of degree k-1 given in the canonical form. Recall that you need k supporting points to recover a polynomial of degree k-1. Shamir's (k,n) threshold scheme is building upon this property. A trusted authority randomly selects a polynomial Pk-1 and computes n supporting points whereby n >= k applies. The to be shared secret s is encoded as a0. The n supporting points are distributed among the participants. To compute the original secret s the participants must combine k of the supporting points. In order to avoid that an adversary gains any knowledge about the secret by merging less than k supporting points all computations will by implemented by using finite field arithmetic. That means we choose a finite field 𝔽p whereby p is prime and a0 < p applies.

The simplest procedure for reconstructing a polynomial P of degree k-1 with given k supporting points (x0,y0),...,(xk-1,yk-1) is by devising a system of k linear equations. A parabola, for instance, is defined by three supporting points (x0,y0),(x1,y1),(x2,y2). The coefficients a0,a1,a2 can be computed by solving the system of linear equations below:

y0 = a2x02 + a1x0 + a0
y1 = a2x12 + a1x1 + a0
y2 = a2x22 + a1x2 + a0

There are, however, more efficient algorithms. This distribution uses the Newton interpolation method to recover the secret s. A Newton polynomial of degree k-1 is given by

Pk-1(x) = 𝝨 i=0 k-1 ciNi(x)

with Newton coefficients c0,c1,...,ck-1 and the Newton basis polynomials N0 = 1 and Ni = 𝞟 j=0 i-1 (x - xj).

This gives

Pk-1(x) = c0 + c1(x - x0) + c2(x - x0)(x - x1) + ⋯ + ck-1(x - x0) ⋯ (x - xk-2)

By applying x ← x0,x ← x1,x ← x2,... it follows

P(x0) = c0
P(x1) = c0 + c1(x1 - x0)
P(x2) = c0 + c1(x2 - x0) + c2(x2 - x0)(x2 - x1)
P(x3) = c0 + c1(x3 - x0) + c2(x3 - x0)(x3 - x1) + c3(x3 - x0)(x3 - x1)(x3 - x2)

Since we are interested in recovering the Newton polynomial by using the supporting points we rearrange the equations above:

c0 = y0
c1 = (y1 - c0)/(x1 - x0)
c2 = (y2 - c0 - c1(x2 - x0))/(x2 - x0)(x2 - x1)
c3 = (y3 - c0 - c1(x3 - x0) - c2(x3 - x0)(x3 - x1))/(x3 - x0)(x3 - x1)(x3 - x2)

Now we can clearly see a recurring pattern. Thus, the Newton coefficients can be computed by a recursive procedure and by memoizing the already calculated coefficients (dynamic programming), see NewtonInterpolation.scala for details.

We need to evaluate the interpolated polynom at least at one point, namely at P(0) = a0 to recover the original secret. An efficient way of doing this is by applying Horner's scheme. The Newton polynomial P of degree k-1 can be rewritten as

Pk-1(x) = c0 + (x - x0)[c1 + (x - x1)[c2 + ⋯ + ck-1(x - xk-2)] ⋯ ]

so that P(x) can be calculated recursively:

b0 = c0 + (x - x0)b1
b1 = c1 + (x - x1)b2
b2 = c2 + (x - x2)b3

bk-1 = ck-1

where P(x) = b0 .


4. UML Diagrams

4.1 Component Diagrams

component-diagram-1 component-diagram-2

4.2 Class Diagram



5. Reports

The two sub modules shamirs-keystore - containing the actual JCA provider - and shamirs-demo are both using JUnit5 for their unit testing. The Maven Surefire Plugin up to version 3.2.5 is confused about JUnit5's nested tests and hence doesn't accurately produce the numbers for the reports. The two linked reports below have been generated by a custom JUnit5 TestExecutionListener during the last build.

JUnit5 reports
Artifact Report
shamirs-keystore summary.txt
shamirs-demo summary.txt

The sub module shamirs-secret-sharing - containing the actual algorithm - is written in Scala and uses ScalaTest for its unit testing. Again a custom Reporter is used to collect the events occurring throughout the execution of the tests. The linked report below has been generated during the last build.

ScalaTest reports
Artifact Report
shamirs-secret-sharing summary.txt


6. Download

6.1 Demo App

The demo app has been packaged by the Maven Shade Plugin. The subsequently provided downloads contain the demo app and both the core module with the algorithm and the actual JCA provider.

Artifact Archive Build Time sha512 checksum
shamirs-demo-1.0.0-beta 2020-05-20 13:50:27.364 +0200
shamirs-demo-1.0.0-rc1 2020-12-18 15:43:09.754 +0100
shamirs-demo-1.0.0 2021-01-06 14:57:47.925 +0100
shamirs-demo-1.1.0 2021-05-26 17:20:08.866 +0200
shamirs-demo-1.2.0 2022-04-22 14:57:24.886 +0200
shamirs-demo-1.3.0 2024-03-12 13:41:47.720 +0100

Note that the demo app includes binaries from external open source projects, namely the Scala-Library, the Jakarta JSON-Processing implementation Eclipse Parsson and the pkix sub-module from Bouncy Castle. Section 7.1 Demo App explains how to use the demo app.

6.2 Maven Coordinates

The KeyStore engine together with the relevant artifacts had been deployed to Maven Central and can be used within your applications by referencing the subsequent Maven coordinates:

<dependency> <groupId>de.christofreichardt</groupId> <artifactId>shamirs-keystore</artifactId> <version>1.3.0</version> </dependency>

You will additionally need an implementation for the Jakarta JSON Processing API at runtime, e.g.

<dependency> <groupId>org.eclipse.parsson</groupId> <artifactId>jakarta.json</artifactId> <version>1.1.5</version> <scope>runtime</scope> </dependency>

Depending on your deployment the latter runtime dependency might not be necessary, e.g. if you are using a Jakarta EE application server. Starting with version 1.3.0 the library uses the new jakarta.json namespace instead of the legacy javax.json and should therefore be compatible with Jakarta EE 9 upwards. An alternative to Eclipse Parsson is Joy but Eclipse Parsson seems to be more actively maintained and it is the reference implementation.

Section 7.2 Keystore Engine explains how to use the provider within your applications.

6.3 Project Dependencies

These are the third-party dependencies of the latest version:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Scope License
de.christofreichardt tracelogger 1.10.0 compile Apache License, Version 2.0
org.scala-lang scala3-library_3 3.3.3 compile Apache License, Version 2.0
org.scala-lang scala-library 2.13.12 compile Apache License, Version 2.0
jakarta.json jakarta.json-api 2.1.3 compile GNU General Public License Version 2 with Classpath Exception,
Eclipse Public License 2.0
org.eclipse.parsson jakarta.json 1.1.5 provided GNU General Public License Version 2 with Classpath Exception,
Eclipse Public License 2.0


7. User Manual

7.1 Demo App

Download the demo app and unzip the archive into a directory of your choice. A JDK11+ is needed for the execution of the app. You have to translate the subsequent bash commands into their cmd equivalents if you are working on Windows and aren't using the Git Bash. I discourage the usage of the Windows PowerShell. Following commands show the relevant content of the distribution:

$ cd shamirs-demo/ $ ls LICENCE.txt log/ NOTICE.txt* src/ target/ workspace/ $ ls --recursive target workspace target: shamirs-demo-1.3.0.jar workspace: my-workspace-0/ workspace/my-workspace-0: my-keys.p12 test.json test-0.json test-1.json test-2.json test-3.json test-4.json test-5.json test-6.json

On Linux the demo can be started with ./ On Windows and using the Git Bash you will instead need winpty sh -i -c ./ or simply winpty java -jar target/shamirs-demo-1.3.0.jar. Without the wrapper winpty provided by the Git Bash distribution there would be no Console and System.console() would return null. Using the command interpreter cmd of Windows you can simply type java -jar target/shamirs-demo-1.3.0.jar to invoke the demo.

$ java -jar target/shamirs-demo-1.3.0.jar ... +---------------+ | Shamir's Demo | +---------------+ Current time: 2024-02-20T16:39:09.7893644 Workspace: 2024-02-20 2024-02-20-> Main menu (s)plit password (m)erge password (o)pen workspace (c)reate keystore (lo)ad keystore (li)st workspace (e)xit 2024-02-20->

On Linux the explicit handover of the system property is required otherwise the program would stall when generating random passwords. See Myths about /dev/urandom for a discussion about the confusion regarding the special device files which serve as (pseudo) random generators on Linux systems. The string 2024-02-20 left from the arrow denotes the current workspace. You automatically get a new one on every day you are using the app. The provided commands are invoked by their given shortcuts. Since this newly created workspace is empty we begin with splitting a password:

2024-02-20-> s 2024-02-20-> split password 2024-02-20-> Password ([A-Za-z0-9-]{8,45}) [t76B3TGw1W8CmDEGf0eXQIEPF]: 2024-02-20-> Number of shares ([0-9]+): 12 2024-02-20-> Threshold ([0-9]+): 4 2024-02-20-> Name of partition ([A-Za-z]{1,10}): demo 2024-02-20-> Number of slices ([0-9]+): 7 2024-02-20-> Size[i=0, sum=0] ([0-9]+): 4 2024-02-20-> Size[i=1, sum=4] ([0-9]+): 2 2024-02-20-> Size[i=2, sum=6] ([0-9]+): 2 2024-02-20-> Size[i=3, sum=8] ([0-9]+): 1 2024-02-20-> Size[i=4, sum=9] ([0-9]+): 1 2024-02-20-> Size[i=5, sum=10] ([0-9]+): 1 2024-02-20-> Size[i=6, sum=11] ([0-9]+): 1 2024-02-20-> Certification method (All|Slices|None) [None]: All ------------------------------------------------------------- certificationResult = (298 falsified, 495 verified)

The app will make a password proposal (seen within the square brackets). Every user provided input will be matched against the regular expressions given in the round brackets. In our example we instructed to generate 12 shares whereas 4 of them are needed to recover the original password. The shares are grouped within a partition named demo. The 12 shares were divided into 7 slices. The first slice had been given 4 shares. The next two slices had both received 2 shares and the remaining slices had been in each case given 1 share. The found solution can be optionally certified. The preset is no certification at all. A certification by Slices means that all slice combinations with a sharepoint count less than the threshold will be falsified and vice versa all slice combinations with a sharepoint count equal to or above the threshold will be verified. The certification method All means that regardless of the chosen slices all combinations of shares below the threshold will be falsified and all combination of shares that equals the threshold will be verified. These are potentially very expensive operations depending on the number of combinations that have to be considered. You can consult WolframAlpha for the computation of the binomial coefficients, e.g. 12 choose 4 gives 495 as expected. A negative outcome would result in an AssertionError.

(By pure chance a sharepoint combination below the threshold might result in the same y-intercept as the actual solution, that should be almost impossible if you are using long enough passwords which result in correspondingly big-sized finite fields).

Now, open another console and review the content of the your workspace directory (workspace/yyyy-MM-dd):

$ ls workspace/2024-02-20 demo.json demo-0.json demo-1.json demo-2.json demo-3.json demo-4.json demo-5.json demo-6.json

The file demo.json contains all of the generated shares, demo-0.json four of them, demo-1.json two and so on. The idea is that we have seven participants in our example. Each of them will be given one slice. This means the participant owning the slice demo-0.json is able to recover the password by herself whereas the owner of demo-1.json must team up with the owner of demo-2.json or with two of the owners of the remaining slices and so on. Now switch back to the demo app and invoke (li)st workspace:

2024-02-20-> li 2024-02-20-> list workspace 2024-02-20-> Partitions: [demo] 2024-02-20-> Slices(demo): [demo-0.json, demo-1.json, demo-2.json, demo-3.json, demo-4.json, demo-5.json, demo-6.json] 2024-02-20-> Keystores: []

We have already seen that. Now lets recover the original password by combining the slices demo-1.json, demo-3.json and demo-6.json:

2024-02-20-> m 2024-02-20-> merge password 2024-02-20-> Slices (([A-Za-z]{1,10}-[0-9]+\.json(,( )*)?)+([A-Za-z]{1,10}-[0-9]+\.json)?): demo-1.json, demo-3.json, demo-6.json 2024-02-20-> password = t76B3TGw1W8CmDEGf0eXQIEPF

As expected. Merging works, inter alia, by providing a list of Paths to the different slices and then applying Newtons Interpolation. That means the slices need not necessarily be located together in one directory as in our demo. In fact they could be distributed over the whole filesystem and could be located even on remote devices. Think of plugged-in USB memory sticks or network filesystems. Future versions might interpret the Paths as URIs and could fetch the slices via the internet if required.

Now, let's create a keystore:

2024-02-20-> Main menu (s)plit password (m)erge password (o)pen workspace (c)reate keystore (lo)ad keystore (li)st workspace (e)xit 2024-02-20-> c 2024-02-20-> create keystore 2024-02-20-> Keystore name ([A-Za-z-]{1,20}): donalds-keys 2024-02-20-> Slices (([A-Za-z]{1,10}-[0-9]+\.json(,( )*)?)+([A-Za-z]{1,10}-[0-9]+\.json)?): demo-3.json, demo-4.json, demo-5.json, demo-6.json +---------------+ | Shamir's Demo | +---------------+ Current time: 2024-02-20T17:43:02.8641386 Workspace: 2024-02-20 2024-02-20-> KeyStore menu [donalds-keys] (l)ist entries (p)rivate key (s)ecret key (c)ertificate (m)ain menu 2024-02-20->

We used four of the slices containing a single share to produce the credentials for the keystore. The demo app switched to a submenu regarding keystore functionality. At present the keystore is empty. A Java PKCS12 keystore can contain three different types of entries: Private Key, Secret Key and Certificate entries. Private and Secret Keys need protection whereas certificates need not since latter are public. Hence we will create a Private Key. A Private Key is always accompanied with a certifcate that attests the associated Public Key. From the start these certificates are self-signed but could be the result from a PKCS10 certificate request too.

2024-02-20-> p 2024-02-20-> private key 2024-02-20-> Keygenerator algorithm (DSA|RSA|EC): EC 2024-02-20-> Validity ([0-9]+): 100 2024-02-20-> Common Name ([A-Za-z- ]{5,30}): Donald Duck 2024-02-20-> Locality ([A-Za-z- ]{5,30}): Entenhausen 2024-02-20-> State ([A-Za-z- ]{5,30}): Bayern 2024-02-20-> Country ([A-Za-z- ]{5,30}): Deutschland 2024-02-20-> Alias ([a-z0-9-]{5,25}): donalds-private-ec-key

We specified Elliptic Curve (EC) as KeyPairGenerator algorithm and a validity of 100 days for the accompanying self-signed certificate. The remaining parameter constitute the so called Distinguished Name.

Now, list the entries so far:

2024-02-20-> l 2024-02-20-> list entries 2024-02-20-> donalds-private-ec-key: friendlyName=donalds-private-ec-key, localId=54:69:6d:65:20:31:37:30:38:34:34:37:36:31:30:33:31:32, algorithm=EC, keytype=Private Key

Go back to main menu:

2024-02-20-> m 2024-02-20-> main menu +---------------+ | Shamir's Demo | +---------------+ Current time: 2024-02-20T17:55:52.2256648 Workspace: 2024-02-20 2024-02-20-> Main menu (s)plit password (m)erge password (o)pen workspace (c)reate keystore (lo)ad keystore (li)st workspace (e)xit 2024-02-20->

Now, list the workspace again:

2024-02-20-> li 2024-02-20-> list workspace 2024-02-20-> Partitions: [demo] 2024-02-20-> Slices(demo): [demo-0.json, demo-1.json, demo-2.json, demo-3.json, demo-4.json, demo-5.json, demo-6.json] 2024-02-20-> Keystores: [donalds-keys]

Again, merge some of the slices to recover the password of the keystore:

2024-02-20-> m 2024-02-20-> merge password 2024-02-20-> Slices (([A-Za-z]{1,10}-[0-9]+\.json(,( )*)?)+([A-Za-z]{1,10}-[0-9]+\.json)?): demo-1.json, demo-2.json 2024-02-20-> password = t76B3TGw1W8CmDEGf0eXQIEPF

Switch to a separate console since we want to investigate the keystore with keytool. Note that your own workspace is probably different.

$ cd workspace/2024-02-20 # workspace/yyyy-MM-dd $ ls demo.json demo-0.json demo-1.json demo-2.json demo-3.json demo-4.json demo-5.json demo-6.json donalds-keys.p12 $ keytool -J-Duser.language=en -list -keystore donalds-keys.p12 -storepass t76B3TGw1W8CmDEGf0eXQIEPF -storetype pkcs12 -v Keystore type: PKCS12 Keystore provider: SUN Your keystore contains 1 entry Alias name: donalds-private-ec-key Creation date: 20 Feb 2024 Entry type: PrivateKeyEntry Certificate chain length: 1 Certificate[1]: Owner: C=Deutschland, ST=Bayern, L=Entenhausen, CN=Donald Duck Issuer: C=Deutschland, ST=Bayern, L=Entenhausen, CN=Donald Duck Serial number: 18dc769b231 Valid from: Tue Feb 20 17:46:49 CET 2024 until: Thu May 30 18:46:49 CEST 2024 Certificate fingerprints: SHA1: E9:2F:E4:7E:A2:58:BE:BF:7B:95:0C:0A:50:84:1C:8D:FE:48:E9:7E SHA256: AA:C7:5B:3C:50:F2:4A:68:20:1E:26:0C:50:96:98:6F:DD:71:36:72:C7:91:D6:93:3A:DB:0D:5C:EE:07:B7:8B Signature algorithm name: SHA256withECDSA Subject Public Key Algorithm: 521-bit EC (secp521r1) key Version: 3 ******************************************* *******************************************

Note that we used the recovered password in combination with keytool. This will be the end of our little tour. There are other options to consider and there are some rough edges as well. For example ChaCha20 secret keys don't work since the underlying keystore implementation of the JDK doesn't regocnize them.

2024-02-20-> Main menu (s)plit password (m)erge password (o)pen workspace (c)reate keystore (lo)ad keystore (li)st workspace (e)xit 2024-02-20-> e 2024-02-20-> exit


7.2 Keystore Engine

See section 6.2 Maven Coordinates for the version of the present distribution. Subsequently, I give a simple example how to use the keystore engine within your application. First, you need to install the provider:

ShamirsProvider myProvider = new ShamirsProvider();
Stream.of(Security.getProviders()).forEach(provider -> System.out.printf("provider[%s] = %s\n", provider.getName(), provider.getInfo()));

On my system I'm getting the following output:

provider[SUN] = SUN (DSA key/parameter generation; DSA signing; SHA-1, MD5 digests; SecureRandom; X.509 certificates; PKCS12, JKS & DKS keystores; PKIX CertPathValidator; PKIX CertPathBuilder; LDAP, Collection CertStores, JavaPolicy Policy; JavaLoginConfig Configuration) provider[SunRsaSign] = Sun RSA signature provider provider[SunEC] = Sun Elliptic Curve provider (EC, ECDSA, ECDH) provider[SunJSSE] = Sun JSSE provider(PKCS12, SunX509/PKIX key/trust factories, SSLv3/TLSv1/TLSv1.1/TLSv1.2/TLSv1.3/DTLSv1.0/DTLSv1.2) provider[SunJCE] = SunJCE Provider (implements RSA, DES, Triple DES, AES, Blowfish, ARCFOUR, RC2, PBE, Diffie-Hellman, HMAC, ChaCha20) provider[SunJGSS] = Sun (Kerberos v5, SPNEGO) provider[SunSASL] = Sun SASL provider(implements client mechanisms for: DIGEST-MD5, EXTERNAL, PLAIN, CRAM-MD5, NTLM; server mechanisms for: DIGEST-MD5, CRAM-MD5, NTLM) provider[XMLDSig] = XMLDSig (DOM XMLSignatureFactory; DOM KeyInfoFactory; C14N 1.0, C14N 1.1, Exclusive C14N, Base64, Enveloped, XPath, XPath2, XSLT TransformServices) provider[SunPCSC] = Sun PC/SC provider provider[JdkLDAP] = JdkLDAP Provider (implements LDAP CertStore) provider[JdkSASL] = JDK SASL provider(implements client and server mechanisms for GSSAPI) provider[SunMSCAPI] = Sun's Microsoft Crypto API provider provider[SunPKCS11] = Unconfigured and unusable PKCS11 provider provider[Christofs Crypto Lib] = A pkcs12 KeyStore implementation which supports shared passwords.

As can be seen the recently installed provider is the least significant one. The next statement requests the desired keystore engine:

KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("ShamirsKeystore", myProvider);

In order to make it simple I'm building upon from the previous section 7.1 Demo App by assuming the over there generated shares and keystore within a subdirectory test-workspace.

Path dir = Path.of(".", "test-workspace");
Set<Path> paths = Set.of(Path.of("demo-1.json"), Path.of("demo-3.json"), Path.of("demo-4.json")) .stream() .map(path -> dir.resolve(path)) .collect(Collectors.toSet());
ShamirsProtection shamirsProtection = new ShamirsProtection(paths);
File keyStoreFile = dir.resolve("my-keys.p12").toFile();

Now we have everything together to load the keystore:

ShamirsLoadParameter shamirsLoadParameter = new ShamirsLoadParameter(keyStoreFile, shamirsProtection);

For further examples I am referring to the source code of the demo app.


8. API Documentation

Module API Documentation
shamirs-secret-sharing shamirs-secret-sharing 1.3.0 API
shamirs-keystore shamirs-keystore 1.3.0 API


9. JSON Schema

9.1 Definitions

Name Type Comment
PartitionId string An Universally Unique Identifier
Prime number Interpreted as BigInteger
Threshold number Interpreted as 32-Bit Integer
SharePoints array of SharePoint
Name Type Comment
x number Interpreted as BigInteger
y number Interpreted as BigInteger

9.2 Example

{ "PartitionId": "242e3fda-9c64-45f3-b40d-52bdcf3db8ca", "Prime": 341494281274260103295293103126026736379588956778975874386655979, "Threshold": 4, "SharePoints": [ { "SharePoint": { "x": 115100532256754722181886210957822661071917163545119627890196490, "y": 156627716112697373056443201494624435073664977495521717817469760 } }, { "SharePoint": { "x": 22609839444392691960191176427554135723838878004964001329002259, "y": 316594037802106556387665640965532931520415012810267565947034427 } } ] }

